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Data Science: Bridging the Gap Between Business and Analytics

Pam Wang
Senior Data Scientist

What skills do data scientists need?

Data science has surged in popularity, with companies eager to leverage data science teams to unlock the insights hidden within their data. However, the essential skills that data scientists possess often remain unclear, making it challenging to identify and build effective data science teams. Many organizations mistakenly overemphasize technical proficiency, neglecting the equally important ability to translate business problems into actionable data solutions. Yet, it's this unique blend of technical expertise and business acumen that truly distinguishes exceptional data scientists.

Data scientists act as translators, bridging the gap between raw data and actionable business solutions. While technical skills are undeniably important for data scientists, their abilities extend far beyond number crunching and data manipulation. They excel at translating complex business problems into actionable data-driven insights, demonstrating a keen understanding of the broader context and implications of their work. These insights then become fuel for actionable roadmaps and strategies that directly address real-world business problems. Moreover, their ability to communicate findings clearly and persuasively to stakeholders at all levels is essential for driving data-informed decision-making

Beyond the Data: Leveraging Business Acumen for Impact

To effectively connect data analysis to business problem-solving, data scientists actively listen to stakeholders to understand the core business issue and its impact. Through this process, they develop a comprehensive understanding of the industry, the company's specific challenges, and how data can best support and resolve those problems.

For example, the question 'Why is revenue down?' is a common business problem, but it lacks the specificity required for actionable insights. Data scientists address this by identifying the core question behind the problem. Working closely with product owners, data scientists might explore potential causes such as changes in the behavior of certain large employers, broader market shifts in specific regions, or major feature changes on the platform itself. Through this collaboration and investigation, data scientists can propose hypotheses that link the business problem to potential solutions and conduct targeted data analyses to investigate them. Eventually, data scientists pinpoint the actual cause and transform broad business questions into specific, data-driven strategies.

Consider a job listing website. Instead of the general question 'Why is revenue down?', through the process described above, data scientists might reframe it as a more focused question: 'Are there employers from certain industries in the US whose job listing volume has decreased significantly over the past six months?' This targeted strategy allows data scientists to analyze job listing behavior characteristics in the US market across different industry groups. If this decrease is not due to normal fluctuations in job demand and instead reflects user dissatisfaction with the platform, data scientists can further investigate how current platform features align with these customers' preferences and influence their job listing usage.

The analysis may reveal that job listings from companies in the tech industry have decreased significantly in the past few months, contributing to the main reason for the revenue downturn. New competitor job platforms launched in the past few months may be drawing employers away from this platform, leading to a decrease in job listings. A potential solution could be to provide discounts for existing employers when they post a large number of job listings on the platform. In addition to identifying this cause and proposing this solution, data scientists can also use historical data to estimate the optimal discount percentage and minimum number of job listings required, as well as potential employer churn and the resulting impact on revenue. Additionally, data scientists can analyze A/B testing data to assess the effectiveness of this discount strategy in the real world. By transforming a broad 'why' question into actionable steps, data scientists can address the revenue downturn and pave the way for potential future revenue growth.

In conclusion, data scientists act as skilled detectives when translating business questions. They use active listening to grasp the core issue presented by stakeholders. Clarifying questions get to the heart of the problem, uncovering hidden opportunities for improvement. This isn't a solo mission; through collaboration, data scientists work with other teams to refine the initial question, ensuring it aligns with everyone's expectations. Once a clear understanding is established, analytical thinking takes center stage. Here, the data scientist's problem-solving skills come into play, identifying the root cause of the business problem. Critical thinking allows them to evaluate potential solutions and their feasibility. Finally, they identify the metrics that will measure the success of the chosen solution, ensuring it effectively addresses the business challenge.

The Power of Data Storytelling: Communication Skills for Data Scientists

Effective communication skills are the cornerstone of a successful data scientist. When technical skills and business knowledge are essential, data scientists excel as service providers who leverage their analytical skills to generate actionable insights. Their work goes beyond simply generating results; they are also skilled storytellers, weaving data-driven insights into clear and concise messages for audiences with varying levels of technical expertise. This ability to translate complex analyses into compelling narratives that resonate with stakeholders and connect directly to real-world business objectives ensures stakeholders can take action on the insights and drive better outcomes for the organization.

Data scientists bridge the gap between the analytical world and other teams by explaining analyses and data in a way that ensures everyone is on the same page. This is crucial for two key reasons. First, clear communication fosters a shared understanding of the insights extracted from the data and their potential implications for the business. Second, it encourages valuable feedback from other teams. This collaborative exchange can significantly improve the analysis itself and ultimately, its real-world impact.

To effectively tell their data stories, data scientists rely heavily on strong data visualization skills. They need to translate complex data sets into clear and visually compelling formats, such as charts and graphs, to facilitate the story and make their points. These visualizations not only enhance communication with audiences who may not have a strong technical background, but can also reveal hidden patterns and trends within the data itself, aiding in explaining complex concepts that might be difficult to describe verbally. Critically, data visualization should not be misleading. It is not for data scientists to cherry-pick data to fit a predetermined narrative.

Imagine a data scientist working for a job listing website discovering a statistically significant correlation between the rank order of a job listing and the number of job applications received. Through data visualization, they can create compelling charts illustrating this relationship, potentially revealing a threshold where the rank order no longer correlates with applications. For example, the number of job applications received may decrease as the rank order of the job listing increases, with job listings ranked lower than 15 possibly receiving very few applications.

Furthermore, the data scientist might find that increasing the rank order of a job listing by one position could lead to a 10% to 15% increase in the number of job applications on average. The data scientist wouldn't just report these numbers; they would translate them into a compelling narrative that considers the customer perspective. These findings suggest that employers seeking to quickly receive numerous job applications might be willing to pay a small fee to prioritize their job listing to a higher rank. The data scientist can provide specific estimates for the potential increase in job applications based on the rank order. This information can help businesses make informed decisions about whether to invest in this feature. This option could potentially meet certain employers' needs, increasing user satisfaction and our company’s revenue. Further analysis can break down the potential increase in revenue from employers using this feature and the associated risks. 

Data Science Expertise: From Wrangling Data to Driving Decisions

Without business acumen, a data scientist might dive deep into complex statistical models without considering the broader business context. For example, they might build a highly accurate predictive model but find that the results do not address actual business challenges. A data scientist might also ask the wrong questions or analyze irrelevant data. For instance, they might focus on a metric that's not directly tied to business objectives or fail to communicate effectively with product owners to understand their needs and provide results that still do not answer their questions.

Therefore, it is critical for data scientists to possess a blend of technical expertise and soft skills, enabling them to bridge the gap between the analytical world and the business landscape. They use analytical tools to dissect complex problems, acting as data wranglers who clean and manipulate massive datasets. Their problem-solving mentality, fueled by curiosity and a keen eye for detail, ensures accurate and insightful analysis. But data scientists aren't just number-crunchers; their business acumen allows them to translate real-world problems into actionable data questions and interpret results within a business context. Finally, their communication mastery empowers them to turn complex findings into clear narratives, fostering collaboration and driving data-driven decisions across all levels.

By mastering this unique blend of skills, data scientists become invaluable assets, bridging the gap between intricate data analysis and the practical world of research and business strategy.

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